With Brexit discussions continuing there is welcome progress here at iPort Rail towards our Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status.
AEO status is awarded by the UK Government to businesses who can demonstrate that their processes within the international supply chain are secure, and that their customs controls and procedures are efficient and compliant.
Those using them get simplified customs procedures and the possibility of fast-tracking shipments, so for us it was a natural choice when reviewing the challenges likely to face our customers following Brexit – whatever the final outcome of the current talks.
Following our initial application, progress is being made, with site visits now undertaken by government teams assessing the security of our facility.
“Brexit is dominating the headlines at the moment and affecting business decisions up and down the country,” said Steve Freeman, iPort Rail’s Managing Director.
“Even though the final form of our exiting the EU isn’t clear it is likely to impact supply chains into and out of Europe significantly, so the more we can prepare and the easier we can make it for customers, the better.”
“The South East is likely to be affected most,” he added, “So our plan has been to complete this AEO status to allow goods to travel unhindered through the Channel Tunnel, or from Felixstowe or Southampton, and clear customs in Doncaster.
“Here, our facilities can process things more quickly and journeys can be completed by road or by rail avoiding the most gridlocked areas.”